The Apartments
Casa Mossèn Batista is a great manor house whose restoration process has been very careful, preserving at every moment her original structure and decoration, starting from the traditional elements we can find out in a mountain farmers and stockmans house.
The flats of Casa Mossèn Batista are Independent Rural Lodgings where we have fully respectful with the old times atmosphere, combined with the most up-to-date comfort, having all the devices and belongings: dishwasher, vitroceramic cooker, TV, WiFi… All the rooms have their own bathroom.
120 € / night
Apartment of Casa Batlle (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 4 places
Extra beds: 0
150 € / night
Apartment of Casa Batlle (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 5 places
Extra beds: 1
90 € / night
Apartment of Casa Batlle (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 3 places
Extra beds: 1
180 € / night
Apartment of Casa Batlle (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 6 places
Extra beds: 2
150 € / night
Apartment of Casa Batlle (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 5 places
Extra beds: 1
180 € / night
Apartment of Casa Mossén Batista (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 6 places
Extra beds: 1
120 € / night
Apartment of Casa Mossén Batista (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 4 places
Extra beds: 1
120 € / night
Apartment of Casa Mossén Batista (Les Esglésies)
Capacity: 4 places
Extra beds: 1
150 € / night
Blanch 1
Apartment of Casa Blanch (TREMP)
Capacity: 5 places
Extra beds: 0
60 € / night
Blanch 2
Apartment of Casa Blanch (TREMP)
Capacity: 2 places
Extra beds: 1
270 € / night
Casa Pio
Apartment of Casa Blanch (Tremp)
Capacity: 9 places
Extra beds: 0